Thursday, March 6, 2014

Daffodils and Robins

I wasn't exactly born in the south, well I was... but you can hardly call Key West, the "South." My family only lived there until I was five years old and then we moved to North Carolina. This is the place that turned me into a southern belle.

Late February and early March are my second favorite time of the year...because nothing beats October when the leaves change colors. This late winter is when you can take a country drive and see fields full of robins and roads lined with daffodils. Daffodils were once planted by early settlers but now grow wild in this area. Seeds spread by wildlife create a colorful garden, in the most unexpected places during this time of year.
Animal - Robin Wallpaper

Daffodils symbolize rebirth or a new beginning and are synonymous with Spring in the south. They endure the frozen ground during the long cold winter months, then at the last frost, they peek their bright yellow heads out of the ground and welcome Spring like a long lost friend.

I am one of those people that always feels a little blue during the winter, right after all of the colorful Christmas decorations are taken down. The beautiful Autumn colors slowly fade away and become the festive decorations of Christmas...then as soon as the holidays pass us by...everything is colorless. I feel a void during these months when the only green outside are the pine trees lining the edge of the woods. Then when I least expect it, the daffodils bloom and Spring is here. Seeing them makes me get that warm and fuzzy feeling. I just want to plant fields full of them, all around our home. 

Field of Daffodils

After living in other parts of the country for most of my adult life...this is the first home, of my own, in North Carolina. It has been an adventure moving back on to my husband's family farm. I hate that I wasn't prepared to plant daffodils last fall so that I could enjoy them now. Luckily, I can go to the local nursery and purchase them already in bloom and still enjoy them for awhile. I plan to buy a few now and additional blubs in the fall and plant them all before winter sets in. I will post pictures so you can enjoy the beautiful daffodil blooms along with me.

I can't wait to hear about you favorite sign of spring. Leave me a comment and share your thoughts.

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